Are you a current or recent undergraduate or postgraduate student studying medicine or a psychology related degree at a UK higher education institution?
We want to know your experience of 'diversity' in the psychiatric and psychological curriculum to help shape the future of higher education teaching!
Find out more information below.
What is the purpose of the study?
The aim of the project is to explore undergraduates' and postgraduates' attitudes towards diversity in the UK psychiatric and psychological curriculum.
The vast majority of psychological models, approaches and theories taught in UK educational institutions have been developed by White, Westernised individuals to explain the psychology of those from European descent. The exclusion that results from this ethnocentric approach to education continues beyond academia, particularly in the fields of psychiatry and psychology, where educational influence directly impacts the outcomes of those it seeks to support. Through this study, we hope to examine the attitudes of those who have been taught at a UK tertiary higher educational institution, towards diversity in the psychiatric and psychological curriculum.
Why are you being invited to take part?
You are being invited to participate in this study because you are currently or were recently a part-time or full-time undergraduate or postgraduate student studying a medicine or psychology (and/or behavioural sciences) degree at a UK higher education institution.
What will happen if you take part?
If you choose to take part in the study, you will complete a survey anonymously. The survey will ask questions about your demographic characteristics and your attitudes towards decolonising the psychiatry and psychology academic curriculum.
What will happen to the results of the study?
The data we collect in this survey will be collated, analysed and used to produce BiPP Network reports which will advise stakeholders in improving representation in teaching and practice in the fields of psychology and psychiatry. A copy of the published research will be obtainable on the BiPP Network website.The anonymised data set will not be made publicly available.
Who should you contact for further information?
For any further information or if you have any questions please contact us at info@bippnetwork.org.uk. Alternatively, you can tweet us at @BiPPNetwork.